Wednesday 22 June 2022

June 22, 2022

ok ok it's driving me nuts that all I've heard from Terry since sunday was a single text response to my "I love you too" (you to Boo), and a quick phone call yesterday evening to invite me to float down the river with him and his daughter. (couldn't go because work and then hanging out with the youngest). 

My brain gremlins are telling me that I read things wrong, he didn't say he loves me at all. I misinterpreted the conversation. That I've put him in an awkward position. That I love him, but he doesn't feel that way towards me. That he said whatever to get me into bed. 

I wish my brain gremlins would just shut up.

His daughter is up visiting for the week, he hardly ever sees her (once a year maybe?). By not chatting with me, he is showing that he is dedicating his time to her. That's a good thing! Figuring things out between us isn't something to be done with someone else around anyways, that is very much a private conversation. Anything we need to say isn't life or death and can wait until the weekend. If the situation was reversed, where I got to see my kids once a year, I would expect any suitor to be respectful and stay out of my precious time with them.

To change the subject, I predicted my mom would ghost me for a month, as response to learning of Oldest's abortion earlier in the month. It appears I am wrong, as she has now texted me twice. However both texts were about her (what she did on her bday, and then thanks for the bday card). No asking about how am I, how is Oldest doing after her medical appt, or even something bland like hows my knitting. I still have a sour taste in my mouth about her, I still feel like she doesn't care. 

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