Friday 24 June 2022

june 24

 Today was a good day. Had a lot of laughs, felt good to laugh instead of the scream crying I was doing on tuesday and wednesday. A young man at work asked about prairie oyster (bull testicles) and was teased all day about it. He has a good sense of humour. I think his nickname is Oyster now. Used to be Chicken Wing, because that was all he ate.

Didn't see youngest today. yesterday was the last day of school, I'll hang out with him on monday. We went for dairy queen yesterday, he got his usual, oreo blizzard, and I got my usual, orange smoothie. Both creatures of habit. 

My tendonitis has been quite bad this week, starting with the hours of cleaning sunday, then repetitive movements doing the seed potatoes at work tuesday. Thursday was moving a patio set (blessedly light weight for a patio set) and two very heavy tvs. Oh and crocheting a lot seems to set it off, I've been crocheting a fair bit on the afghan and stress crocheting over Terry. So tightly crocheting with my muscles clenched.

I was knitting socks yesterday and today, mostly today because my arms didn't hurt as much. Its nice out today so I sat on the deck with music going and knit the socks. Grey Regia, nothing fancy. I think I'll dig through the scraps box to put in some stripes. That will add to my double knitting repoitoire. How the heck do you spell that.

I think I might check out Murphy's Flats tomorrow. Its driving me nuts not being able to see Terry. I need to get out and do something to distract. I'm not as crazy as I was the last few days, the worst seems to be over. I'm excited for Danielle, she has a date tonight. She was pretty nervous and excited earlier. I hope it goes well for her, she deserves someone nice. 

I bought a folding table to be used as a desk for my paint by numbers hummingbird and flower, and I haven't painted at all. Ive been journaling instead. I should paint every day, and do the journalling as well. Its good for my soul to do these things. Why I keep knitting socks too, I enjoy it. I don't need more socks, but I'll keep making them.

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